2012年7月10日 星期二

Special encouter in Kyoto

Upon request from readers, I am going to write more often about my daily encounters and thoughts. Hope you like them. Your honest comments will be most appreciated.

While I was on the topic of kindness, I want to share with you this special encounter.

I was traveling in Kyoto with my husband; every morning we went to a popular local café for breakfast. When we were served a glass of ice water, I would request warm water instead. (By the way, ice water (or drinks) is really not good for your health.) After 3 consecutive mornings, we stopped for a few days before going back again. The same waitperson served us and she gave me a glass of warm water without my asking. I was really surprised and my heart melted as I drank my warm water. I didn’t have a chance to thank her as she disappeared into the kitchen. I will do so on my next trip to Kyoto, and hopefully soon!

2012年6月24日 星期日

The Value of Kindness

On June 16, Aung San Suu Kyi delivered a long-awaited speech at the United Nation in response to the Nobel Prize award. In her speech she spelled out her philosophy of non-violence rooted in her Buddhist faith. I was particularly touched by the following part:

Of the sweets of adversity, and let me say that these are not numerous, I have found the sweetest, the most precious of all, is the lesson I learnt on the value of kindness. Every kindness I received, small or big, convinced me that there could never be enough of it in our world.

To be kind is to respond with sensitivity and human warmth to the hopes and needs of others. Even the briefest touch of kindness can lighten a heavy heart. Kindness can change the lives of people.

When I was reading this part, my mind conjured up images of people that had been kind to me. When I was only 5 years old, a nun smilingly asked me if I would like to be named Marilyn. Though I did not understand why this name, I nodded in agreement because she was so nice to have asked! (I always thought that one’s name was given and not asked.)

When I was in my last year of high school preparing to go abroad to study, a priest offered to give me a few lessons. I thought at the time that it was about studies, little did I know that they were lessons of my lifetime. I remembered one particularly well in which he asked me what was superior – to give or to receive. When I couldn’t answer, he asked me to put out my hands as he was going to give me something. He showed me that the hands that gave would always be on top of the hands that received.

When I was in the university, I was placed in a program that was academically challenging. I felt lost and started to pity myself – it was not fair because I was an overseas student and English wasn’t my mother tongue etc. The professor in charge of the program sensed my frustration and talked with me, but instead of ‘lecturing’ he told me of his own background, that he was an orphan from Belgium who didn’t know a word of English. He was adopted by an American couple who lovingly encouraged him through life.

My first job after graduation was very difficult; nothing in the university had prepared me for the real life drama! I was blessed with a mentor who was patient and caring. He had imparted me with knowledge that I could still use these days.

I can think of hundreds, if not thousands, more examples of people being kind to me. And I am sure you can do the same. All too often it is easier to complain about the problems, what is wrong, what is not serving us right, who is bothering us etc., than to be grateful to those people who have done good deeds on us.

Perhaps I should end this blog with Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech:

“Ultimately our aim should be to create a world free from displaced, the homeless and hopeless, a world of which each and every corner is a true sanctuary where the inhabitants will have the freedom and the capacity to live in peace. Every thought, every word, and every action that adds to the positive and wholesome is a contribution to peace. Each and every one of us is capable of making such a contribution. “

P.S. The mission of ikindof.com business is to have a foundation to help those in need. When we were setting up the companies, we were given a list of names to choose from. In the end, we established the two companies with the names Good Kind and Real Kind. At that time, it was not our deliberation to have the word ‘kind’ in our company names. In hindsight, we weren’t even aware of the symbolic meaning of ‘kind’. Augan San Suu Kyi’s speech had further inspired me to establish the foundation for the needy. Is this co-incidence or synchronicity?

2012年5月10日 星期四

Toxic Chemicals in Baby & Young Children Products

In November 2011, it was in the news that two chemicals considered harmful and potentially cancer-causing were found in Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo sold in the U.S. and some other countries, including Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Canada and Australia.

The US - based the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has unsuccessfully been urging the world's largest health care company for 2 1/2 years to remove the trace amounts of potentially cancer-causing chemicals — dioxane and a substance called quaternium-15 that releases formaldehyde — from Johnson's Baby Shampoo, one of its signature products.

None of the products tested listed 1,4-dioxane or formaldehyde on the label.

Read the Ingredients on the Product Labels

I wrote about some of the toxic ingredients in household cleaning products in my last blog. Herewith those ingredients particularly harmful to babies and young children.

1,4-dioxane is a byproduct of a petrochemical process called ethoxylation, which involves using ethylene oxide (a known breast carcinogen) to process other chemicals in order to make them less harsh. 1,4-dioxane is listed as "reasonably anticipated" to be a human carcinogen, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It also causes allergies and is immunotoxic.

An example includes converting Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) into the gentler Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)  by processing it with ethylene oxide (the "eth" denotes ethoxylation), which can result in 1,4-dioxane contamination. SLS is a notoriously harsh chemical used as car wash cleaners and engine degreasers; SLS cleans by corrosion.  They are the worst ingredients in personal care products but they are widely used in facial and body cleansers, soaps, hair shampoo, and bubble bath. They can penetrate the skin with even one wash, and reach the brain, eyes, heart, and liver; it shows long term retention in the tissues causing irreversible damages. A study was conducted at the University of Georgia Medical College which showed that SLS penetrated young children’s eyes and prevented them from developing properly.

Quaternium-15 is a preservative that releases formaldehyde into many personal care and cosmetics products. Formaldehyde is classified as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The National Cancer Institute, the World Health Organization and the National Toxicology Program have all identified a possible link between formaldehyde exposure and leukemia.

Formaldehyde and quaternium-15 are also potent allergens that can trigger rashes and other skin inflammation problems. It is the single most often found cause of allergic contact dermatitis of the hands. The North American Contact Dermatitis Group considers quaternium-15 to be among the most clinically significant contact allergens in children. This chemical is used in just about all personal care products even for babies, including but not limited to facial and body cleansers, soaps, hair shampoo and conditioner, facial and body moisturizers, baby oil, baby wipes, bubble bath.

Mineral Oil is a common ingredient in baby care products including baby oil, Vaseline, baby wash liquid soap and baby lotions. Mineral oil is clear, liquid oil with no scent and will not spoil. It is foreign to the body and has many harmful effects, especially in infants.

Mineral oil is a known carcinogen. In addition, it clogs the pores and slows the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins while blocking the absorption of vitamins. This eventually leads to nutritional deficiencies. Studies have also shown forms of lipoid pneumonia caused by mineral oil decreasing lung function.

Propylene Glycol (PG) and its derivatives PEG, EG, ceteareth, oleth, or xynol are all petroleum derivatives that act as solvents and wetting agents. This means that it prevents products from drying out, and making the skin feel moist and soft! It is commonly used in products that have in qauternium-15 listed above plus toothpastes, deodorants, hair gel and creams.

PG can easily penetrate the skin, and can weaken protein and cellular structure. Studies have shown systemic retention (residue in entire body). It is so harmful to the body that the U.S. Government warned factory workers to avoid skin contact to prevent brain, liver and kidney abnormalities!

Phthalates and its derivatives including B2BP, DBP, DEP etc are ‘plasticizers’ added to plastics to soften and make them last longer. In 2008, they were banned from children’s plastic toys in the U.S. However, they found their way into baby products! They are used as carrier for synthetic fragrances as well as emulsifier to give lotions, creams and soap their smooth consistency. They are hidden in personal care products under the name of 'fragrance' or 'parfum'. These ingredients can be causing cancer, and also affecting the developmental and reproductive systems.

Myth vs. Fact

As with many chemicals of concern used in our products, the companies that make these products generally argue that it's "just a little bit" of chemicals and most of them are not banned by law. The real reason for using all these chemicals is cost; these petroleum derived chemicals are very cheap and serve their purposes though at the expense of consumers.

The truth of the matter is that the toxicity of these chemicals is well researched and confirmed. For example, when laboratory animals were tested with 1,4-dioxane at the lowest parts per billion levels, the animals developed cancer. The levels of 1,4-dioxane found in many personal care products are 1,000 times higher than those found in lab animals. In addition, the combined effects of lifetime exposure to these carcinogens can create synergistic effect and even multiply to create greater risks.

Babies and young children are particularly susceptible; their immune system is not as fully developed while their uptake of these chemicals is greater as their tissues are growing and active.

In addition, many of our personal care products contain the above toxic ingredients. There are actually many more that I didn’t include. 1,4-Dioxine is contaminating almost 50 percent of our household cleaning and personal care products. Imagine your baby being exposed to all these toxins over the course of one day -- you cleanse him using cleansers, liquid soap, shampoos and conditioners, or giving him a bubble bath; brush his teeth; moisturizes him with cream and lotions; using Vaseline, baby oil and baby wipes. He will be laced with toxins!

Be an Informed and Responsible Parent

Herewith a few things you can do:

·    Avoid products that list ingredients that may be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, including SLS, PEG and their derivatives

·     Avoid products that contain formaldehye-releasing preservatives, including quaternium-15 , ‘—urea’, bronopol

·    Spread this kind of information to people you know

·    Educate your children

·    Buy natural, organic and eco-friendly products

·    Support companies and organizations that rally this good cause

·    Challenge your government to set up stringent laws

2012年5月2日 星期三

Toxic Household Cleaning Products are Making You Sick (and more)

I became a hygiene freak at an early age, helping my mom o do housecleaning. I learnt to use all kinds of cleaning products at home but one particular incident changed my life. One day as I was spraying cleaning agent onto the mirror, I inhaled some of it and started to choke and cough non-stop. Then, I developed a terrible headache for days on ends with sinus problems and numbness on my face. I started to wonder what had actually happened to me and what was inside this bottle of cleaning product. This began my personal quest to holistic health.....

I read the ingredients and did some research (sorry, but no googling in those days), and was shocked to find out that there were a host of chemical compounds, most of which were derived from petroleum. These compounds are toxic to humans; ammonia was the main ingredient that caused my symptoms.

Read the Ingredients on the Product Labels
Herewith some of the common culprits:
  1. Ingredients that are carcinogenic and 'endocrine disruptors' which can affect the hormone, developmental and reproductive:
·     Phthalates and its derivatives including B2BP, DBP, DEP etc. These are ‘plasticizers’ added to plastics to soften and make them last longer.
·     MEA TEA, DEA and their synonyms are synthetic chemicals. These are almost always used in products that foam. They are easily absorbed into the skin and highly toxic. Prolonged use of these ingredients can cause additional health problems of the respiratory systems and skin allergies.
They are identifiable by the prefix or designations –‘thanolamine’, ‘mide’, e.g. diethanolamine, triethanolamine, lanolieamide, cocamide, laurimide, oliemide, and phosphate.
·     1, 4-Dioxine is an unwanted byproduct of petroleum processed ingredients. Though it can be easily removed by manufacturers, it is contaminating almost 50 percent of our household cleaning and personal care products. It also causes allergies and is immunotoxic.
It is identifiable by the prefix or designations of 'PEG,' '–eth–,' 'Polyethylene,' 'Polyethylene glycol' 'Polyoxyethylene,' or '–oxynol–'
·      Benzene is a petrochemical used as aromatics as it has a sweet odor.
    2.   Ingredents that are "endorine discroptors" with prossible link to carcinogenicity

·     Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), a surfactant, is used as car wash cleaners and engine degreasers. They are the worst ingredients in household detergents and personal care products. They can penetrate the skin with even one wash, and reach the brain, eyes and liver causing irreversible damages.
·     Parabens and their synonyms (methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens) are synthetic chemicals that manufacturers use as a low cost preservative to extend products shelf life. They affect the hormonal balance in both newborn and adults, even DNA damages. These ingredients also cause skin allergies and dermatitis.
 3.  Ingredients that can cause allergies - ammonia, chlorine bleach gas, synthetic fregrances and dyes. These contain allergens that can cause skin allergies and repiratory problems they are also neurotoxins that affect the immune and nervous system

Be an Informed Consumer

With all these toxic chemicals we use daily, it is no wonder that we have so many health problems. In Hong Kong, the laws on product labels are not comprehensive; there are many unregulated toxic substances and the government offers little guidance to the public. We are not adequately protected and businesses often omit, or even mislead, in their product labels. Think about this – would you buy a product if the label discloses the possible health threats, i.e. this household product is carcinogenic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic or teratogenic?
Going green for household cleaning products is definitely a wise choice for yourself and your loved ones.

2012年4月27日 星期五

Amazing Properties of Spirulina Unknown to the General Public

Because of my father’s liver cancer I wrote about earlier, I had read well over a hundred research studies on Spirulina (SP). I want to share with you in my blog.

Spirulina, a species of blue-green algae, is earth’s oldest living thing. It existed 3.5 billion years ago with immeasurable strength in life’s vital forces. Spirulina had been the choice of food for the astronauts of NASA and European Space Agency for many years.  Many world organizations including the United Nations have been studying the therapeutic and medicinal properties of Spirulina for over 30 years. In 2008, the UN Food & Agriculture Organization presented a position paper on Spirulina and rated favorably its properties, stating that “clinical trials have shown that Spirulina  can serve as a supplementary cure for many diseases.”
Spirulina contains over 30 types of nutrients, including proteins, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Spirulina is the earth’s most nutritious, balanced and suitable whole food for human consumption.
Spirulina can be seen under a microscope

Scientific Research and Findings on Spirulina and PC (Phycocyanin)
In the medical field, scientific studies on humans are valued much higher than those on animals or in labs. There has only been a handful of research of Spirulina on humans but the results were quite amazing.
Chemopreventive properties. In the late 80s, developing countries all started to do research on the nutritional value of SP, especially on children and teenagers. These were prompted by the Chernobyl disaster in Russia. In 1994, 49 children aged 3 – 7 years old of the disaster suffered from radiation poisoning were fed 5 gm of SP a day. Their bone marrow was damaged, rendering them immune deficient. They were also anemic and suffered from terrible allergic reactions. Within 6 weeks of taking SP, their radioactivity dropped by 83% with other significant improvements.
Anti-cancer properties. In 1995, the first human study evaluating the chemopreventive potential of SP was conducted in India. The study involved 44 adults, all tobacco chewers, suffered from precancerous lesion called leukoplakia. After feeding them 1 gm daily of SP for 12 months, complete regression of lesions was observed in 45% of subjects.
In 2002, another human study was done to assess the anti-cancer properties of SP. In Japan, 12 healthy male volunteers age between 40 - 65 were recruited and fed with SP. Within 2 months, their NK cells were much higher than before. It was concluded that SP potentiates the immune system leading to the suppression of cancer development and viral infection. This finding was in line with all the studies in the 1990s on mice, that SP facilitated antibody production, increase macrophages and induce spleen cells to grow.
Anti-oxidant properties. Several studies in the 90s showed that SP supported the detoxification of pollutants, increased the level of immunoglobulin and strengthened the immune system.
Improve lipid profile (cholesterol, fatty liver, LDL and triglycerides)and prevent heart diseases. A study conducted in Japan concluded that SP lowered cholesterol, triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). 30 male volunteers with high cholesterol, mild hypertension and hyperlipidemia were given 4 g of SP daily for 2 months. Total cholesterol dropped within a month. A similar study earlier concluded that a diet enriched with SP could alleviate disease since the atherosclerosis index improved.
Another study conducted in India concluded SP played a key role in weight reduction, lowering blood cholesterol levels and improving lipid profile (reduce LDL and raise HDL). 30 volunteers were fed with 2 – 4 g of SP for 4 weeks.
Lower glucose level. In 2001, there was a study on 20 males and 20 females between 40 – 60 years old in India. It was found that SP significantly reduce ed blood glucose levels.
Prevent skeletal muscle damage. A study in 2006 showed that SP could prevent skeletal muscle damage by reducing pre-oxidative stress level. It could also combat fatigue and postpone time of exhaustion by reducing the serum level of CK and LDH.
Nutritional supplement. Further research proved that SP provided many high quality nutrients, easily absorbed by human beings. It includes 60 – 70% of vegetable protein with a full spectrum of 18 amino acids. SP is very rich in omega 3 and has one of the highest gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is not easily taken in our regular diets. It has complete vitamin B complex, including B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. It is also rich in minerals, particularly iron (90% absorbable), zinc, manganese and calcium. Other biologically active substances include polysaccharides, lipids (both glycolipids and sulfolipids), enzymes and probiotics.
Its dark color comes from natural pigments that harvest sunlight at different wavelengths and at the same time protects from too much sun. These pigments offer unusual health benefits and help synthesize many enzymes necessary for regulating body metabolism. They are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (yellow and orange) and phycocyanin (blue). SP is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids which work synergistically to enhance antioxidant protection. It has one of nature’s highest level of chlorophyll (1%), known for cleansing and detoxifying. Phycocyanin is unique to SP; it builds both red and white blood cells, boosts immune system and protects liver and kidney from toxic chemicals and oxidation.
Studies on Animals and in Labs
Test tube and animal studies suggested that Spirulina has much potent properties. Herewith a summarized list:
  Activates many of the natural killer cells (NK cells) that can help fight cancer cells, including macrophages, T-cells, and B-cells
   These interferon cells can also help fight other viral illnesses, including, flu, herpes, mumps, measles and HIV
   Enhance the body’s ability to generate new blood cells, including bone marrow stem cells, spleen and thymus glands
   Act as an phyto-antioxidant with radical scavenging properties to DNA cells and organs
   Reduce pre-oxidative level in skeletal muscle damage and fatigue
   Suppresses tumor formations
   Has anti-inflammatory compound that can control arthritics and ulcerative colitis
   Improve liver lipid profile including lowering cholesterol and LCL
   Prevent fatty liver by lowering triglycerides
   Protect the liver and kidney from toxic chemicals and oxidative stress
   Promote digestion and bowel function
   Suppress bad bacteria and stimulate the growth of probiotics
   Unique polysaccharides enhance cell nucleus enzyme activity and potentiate DNA repair process
   Regulate blood sugar level
   Improve heart artery function and lower blood pressure
   Counter allergic reactions including hay fever, hives, and sinus allergy
   Contain vital nutrition for normal bodily functions
In 2009, the first study of the in vivo chemopreventive effect of SP was conducted. The study investigated the effect against rat liver toxicity and carcinogenesis induced by DBN precursors. The incidence of liver tumors was significantly reduced from 80 to 20% by SP, suggesting that SP is a protective phyto-antioxidant against liver toxicity and an anti-tumor agent. It has potential use for chemo-therapy of liver carcinoma.
Nevertheless, the above study results do not necessarily translate into human benefits though some of the findings coincided with that of the human studies. More clinical trials are needed to understand the efficacy of SP.
If you like to have the scientific references of the above studies, feel free to email me.

2012年4月24日 星期二

Engage in Conscious Living While Consuming Food

I attended a friend’s wedding banquet last week. It was a moving experience with the couple sharing the story of their journey and guests sending their well wishes. Then a sumptuous feast followed with dishes of highly prized delicacy, some of which were near-extinct species. Worst, there were a lot of leftovers at the end of the banquet and waitpersons just threw them into the garbage bin.

I am personally against eating any near extinct species, including shark fins, turtles, blue fin tuna, Chinook salmon, and whales. It is not only about protecting the Earth but the practice of commercial fishing on these species is really cruel and inhumane. Think about the way sharks are caught, their fins slice off and their bodies get thrown back into the sea. These poor sharks are basically left to die in pain!

So what’s the whole point of hosting such a lavish feast? What purpose does it really serve? People may think that such an act shows their respect to their guests. To me, it only shows people’s mindless consumption, even ignorance. I am sure that guests who attended the banquet would have been equally happy for the couple if they were served without the near-extinct species.
Hunters are used to cut sharks' fins while they are still alive and then release them back into the sea to die in a slow and painful death

Hong Kong is a society full of material abundance but people don’t seem to treasure what they have. This is evident in the amount of food waste we created every day – an astounding 3,200 tons! Yet, there are many people still living in substandard conditions.

Recently, I discovered an environmentally friendly organization called Green Hong Kong. This is a Tai Po-based NGO with 6 staff; they visit the neighboring Fu Shin wet market and collect discarded fresh, edible produce from vendors. With these produce, the staff cook meals for the next door training center of the Confederation of Trade Unions. Students from the training center can pay just $20 to enjoy a six-course vegetarian lunch with soup. Thanks to the work of Green Hong Kong, tons of produce escape being transported to landfills.

Tips to a Conscious Living:
·       Buy from locals
·       Consume organic food
·       Cook meals at home to avoid waste
·       Minimize takeout food
·       Steam food; avoid deep frying
·       Eat less red meat and more vegetables
·       Don’t consume endangered species and plants


2012年4月17日 星期二

Toxins Found in Chinese Medicines

It was reported in the news that 15 Chinese medicines were found to have potential toxins, allergens and traces of endangered animals seized by Australian border officials.

DNA sequencing tests were used by scientists at Australia’s Murdoch University. This is the latest technology available to accurately analyze the ingredients in Chinese medicines. After testing, the scientists determined that none of the samples carried accurate ingredient labels.

Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have been widely used, especially among the Chinese communities. Recently, it is growing in popularity in other countries as well. However, there has been little scientific analysis done on its purity, efficacy and pharmacologic activities. End users normally bought them relying on the product labels and recommendations from people who had taken them. This can be very dangerous as the medicines can work well on a person and cause allergic reactions to another. Also, there is the issue of dosage and long term use which can be toxic; these are not normally addressed in the product labels.

This incident goes to prove this case in point. First, the honesty and accuracy of product labeling are in questions. The packaging did not list the concentrations of the elements inside; then traces from trade-restricted animals that are classified as vulnerable, or endangered were found.  Second, the purity and safety of the products are not tested and documented. Third, the quantity to take and possible allergic reactions are not addressed.

Buyers Beware
One should be more aware of products that contain natural ingredients. When we make purchases, we assume that the product ingredients are what the manufacturers claimed.  Indeed, there are many other things we assume – the manufacturing standards, the purity, efficacy and safety of use.

Presently, there are little legal requirements from the governments to control the manufacturers. More stringent rules are needed to require manufacturers to disclose ingredients, evaluate their legality, safety, purity and efficacy.

In the meantime, you can educate yourself to become more informed consumers. Herewith a checklist that ikindof.com uses to locate our merchants.

Tips When Making Purchases on Natural Products

1.   Check out the Founder. What is the founder’s background? Is he in the field, or even a pioneer, or advocate?

2.   Study the Company. How long has it been in business? Is it reputable? What is its business philosophy and mission? Does it conduct any research?

3.   Understand the Production Plant and Procedures. Where is it located? Does it have its own farmland? What are the procedures in manufacturing products? Does it have transparency in production?

4.   Read its PR Coverage. Has it been widely publicized? Was it endorsed by the media, professionals and organizations? Does it engage in community services? Is it active in social media with feedback and reviews?

5.   Know its Distribution Channels. Where is it sold? Is it international or local? What kind of retailers carries it?

6.   Obtain Certifications. Does it meet some kind of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)? Does it have any other certifications and/or marks from the government and health organizations?
 Helpful Link:

2012年4月11日 星期三

Is December 21, 2012 End of the World?

To talk about the end of the world, I need to start from the beginning! I am starting with the number 11, also known as the Psychics Number.

I was born on April 11. I didn’t pay much heed to the number 11 until a psychic told me that it was a Master Number in numerology, with a higher spiritual vibration. In numerology, each number has an intrinsic value that carries a cosmic vibration. And our birth date reflects our personality, talents and life purpose.

Number 11 possesses the following attributes:

Visionary, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition, inspirational, idealistic, volunteerism, heavenly messages, optimism, charisma, refined, integrity, insights, motivational, uplifting.

It has been said that people who recognize the spiritual meaning of number 11in their lives are psychically connected to vibrational frequencies matching the attributes listed above. Elevens appearing on a consistent basis is indicative of a reflective and intuitive soul.

I don’t know about you but I seem to notice the number 11 everywhere, on the date, time, street number, building number, room number – you name it; even my husband was born on the 11th!   Within 2 years of our moving back to Hong Kong, we operated in 2 locations – a Center and an office. The street number for my 7th Ray Center is 29 which is 11 (9+2) in numerology and it is on the 4th floor; these numbers correspond to my birthday! And the office of my online shopping business www.ikindof.com is located on the 11th floor, unit 4, another one! Mere co-incidence or divine message?

People with this number could be attracted to the unknown and esoteric and are gifted as “light worker”.  The number 11 brings the gift of spiritual inheritance; others turn to people who are 11 for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience.

It is amazing to find my ‘calling’ as an energy healer in life only 5 years ago. Yet, my higher self has already decided and agreed to this spiritual path even before I was born, and the message was embedded in my birth date!

The Significance of the time11:11

Last year when we started www.ikindof.com, we have to pick a launch date.  Intuitively I thought to myself 11-11-11 at 11:11. Everyone in the office thought it was impossible due to the tight schedule but I suggested giving it a go. There were so many hurdles that we literally had to give up at the eleventh hour, but miraculously we launched successfully!

After this incident, I read that 11:11 is said to have a pre-encoded trigger placed in our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion and ascension is near. It is believed that one knows when this particular gateway opens for them by continually seeing the   numbers 11:11 in there every day lives as a continuous occurrence. 

So how is number 11 related to 12-21-12? To be continued…..