2012年4月6日 星期五

A Spiritually Authentic Meaning of Reborn

My dad died of liver cancer 2 years ago on Easter Sunday. By the time we learnt of his conditions, the cancer was in the terminal stage and nothing more could be done from a medical standpoint. As a result, my family and I shifted our focus to a holistic approach, trying to provide our dad quality time. One of the many things I did was to research on nutritional supplements that could alleviate his conditions. I found out that a green-algae called Spirulina was very beneficial to people with liver problems. I bought various brands of Spirulina and examined them. I also tried them as I am a rather sensitive person and my body can react to ingested food and medications quickly. In this case, I wanted to make sure that the Spirulina could be digested easily and that there wouldn’t be discomfort after taking them. One product stood out as a result; my dad had also reacted positively.

I had studied and read over a hundred research on Spirulina and was convinced of the powerful healing properties of this tiny plant. My family and I continued to take the Spirulina after my dad’s passing. I was so impressed by this product that I approached the company in Japan and offered to be its partner to promote Spirulina.

My dad has given me his everything, even when he was crossing over. In taking care of him, he taught me how to take better care of others. It was no accident that he died on Easter Sunday and his funeral service was one day following my birthday. It was indeed a blessed event for me and I was given a new life. After his passing, I invested all my energy on starting a health and healing center; four months later 7th Ray Center was born.

This Spirulina product is one of the things borne out of this experience; I feel that it is supported by divine energy. If you are interested in getting more information about Spirulina, feel free to email me.
I  highly recommend the Phycocyanin Spirulina 100%

